Our logo

About our logo

Our corporate image represents the way our customers see, perceive and understand us as a company. It reflects our market niche in a simple way, and offers a transparent image of who we are. It speaks of our products, work ethic and professionalism. It is directed to a select audience, which demands a professional service, based on work ethic, experience and excellence.  By delivering true, meaningful and memorable experiences to our customers, our company maintains long-lasting relationships, which are the foundation of our success.

The meaning of our logo

The Luxury Living Costa Rica logo is inspired by the coffee fields and the coffee flowers of Costa Rica.


Coffee fields gave birth to the fortune of many of the wealthiest families of our nation, back at the end of the 1800s.  Large coffee plantations all over the Central Valley were owned by families who became the leaders and visionaries behind some of the most important high-end developments of our nation.


The fragrance of the coffee flower is known as the essence of Costa Rica.  As described by The Fleur de Cafe, "the fragrance expresses the diversity of Costa Rica:  as exotic as its tropical beaches, and natural and airy as its mountains."  It inspires elegance, beauty, and richness.  Meanwhile, the coffee flower's natural essence has been used to create a world-class perfume, Luxury Living Costa Rica represents world-class luxury properties.


Luxury Living Costa Rica


Luxury Living Costa Rica


Luxury Living Costa Rica


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Plaza Tempo next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

Escazu, San Rafael, 10903, San Jose - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997

Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates
are registered trademarks
© All rights reserved

Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997


Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates

are registered trademarks
© All rigths reserved

Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997

Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates
are registered trademarks
© All rigths reserved

Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997

Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates

are registered trademarks
© All rights reserved

Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997

Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates
are registered trademarks
© All rights reserved


Credibility, Leadership and Experience
Since 1990

Costa Rica Luxury, a brand created by
Yali Alpízar, CEO & Founding Partner

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